
WE.. are just like you.

We are students from MHCC who have something to say! Here you'll find topics from finding the right classes to inside scoops about where to find good deals on books or supplies and even how a student's day might be going. Anything goes! So join in!

Friday, April 9, 2010


So, I'm sure you've heard of our moving into a smaller, more uncomfortable cubicle.  It's been interesting this past week to be working right across from our supervisors, Pros - I can easily ask them questions, Cons= it's harder to get away with stuff.  Just kidding, but all kidding aside, I have some pictures for you.  You see, part of our move required us to find a new place to store all of our brochures in a different place....well there are thousands!  Here's what we should have done, We should have put a label on them when we were moving, that would have made life so much easier.  But we didn't, so it is my tast to begin organizing these things.  I started yesterday and as you can see in the photos, It was not a very big container and yet there were so many different kinds of brochures.  It was a little daunting.  Also in the photos I put some pictures of the shelves...you see all those boxes...yeah, those are all full of brochures...NOT COOL PEOPLE!

Other than that things are good.  Well, this term is going to be super busy and i'm not sure i'm ready for that, I'm graduating, I'm on the soar team, I'm taking 17 credit hours which is including a Sociology class where I don't know what the Hell I'm doing.  It's a little rough.  I am excited though because our production class is working on a video for Mt. Hood and I get to do all the music, I wish I could figure out how to put an audio sample on here so you could hear it and tell me what you think.  Oh well, I'm excited for that though...

Maybe I should come up with a witty catch phrase for my blog...like "Nathanael Sams, Someone Of Excellence"  Or "THE NEVER ENDING STORY"  That's actually the name of my other blog at nathanaelsams.blogspot.com  However, I haven't made any blogs up there...Don't worry I will.

Well, Enjoy my photos, I know that I did, and just be thankful it's not you...it's me.

-Nathanael Sams

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