
WE.. are just like you.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

STRESS.. secret killer?

Does anyone out there feel like their head is going to explode?
classes, work, friends, homework, personal time, sleep, time to eat.... i cant find enough time for any of these things.. Do you know that this week i have REPEATEDLY  forgotten to eat and realized it like a day or two later only when i start feeling weak and dizzy..
its put a strain on my relationships and my mental capacity to fix problems. how is this fair?
i find this humorous how for 1 1/2yrs the load is even and relaxed (dare i say fun?) and then the last 1/2yr you are dumped on! (literally with the elements in oregon). its like slacking has occurred all year long from the teachers and they decide that last few months is their last chance to do their job right...
as a student i say. "thats crap!" i mean seriously!
is there any other students out there who agree with this? Im cool with doing the work... but be straight with us and give it to me all year long and not in the end...
and dont give me any of this "oh this is how it happens in the real world" garbage.. cuz let me tell you... if this is how it happens in the real world.... ID FIRE YOUR ASS. so put that on your resumes!


Disgruntled Student

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